Saturday, August 21, 2010

downward spiral resumes....

Where we're at:

DJIA 10,213.62
S&P 500 1,071.69
10-Yr T-Note 2.61%
s&p P/E: 19.68
VIX: 25.49

equity: 28
bond: 33
cash: 40

1 yr: 6%

The deadline for the new IT positions passed and I have heard of a few people who applied, including our team lead. I think he has a good chance to get one of the 3 manager spots under our director. I'd like to go for his current spot if that happens, but who knows. I think we will wind up reporting to the the architect. The contract talks started this week. I can't the union people striking, unless they want to kill the company. They know that if they strike, they can all be replaced, probably easily. The language is starting to get dark again (low orders, continued cancellations). I'm trying to not worry about what I don't control.

Health, family, home, job, investments in that order.

Saturday, August 07, 2010


DJIA 10,653.56
S&P 500 1,121.64
10-Yr T-Note 2.82%
s&p P/E 20.41
VIX: 21.74

equity: 29
bond: 33
cash: 39

1 yr: 6%

We took a quick vacation this year to Taos, NM. While we were gone, the market tried to rally, running up several hundred points. After the July jobs report, it came back down early, but recovered for a small loss. The talking heads are sounding more like a double dip recession is likely. Another local aircraft company is threatening to move jobs to a lower cost state due to the state of the market. The Friday before our vacation our IT director brought us together for a meeting to discuss changes in the department. Three management jobs are opening up and she is getting the teams that report to them. She was almost giddy with excitement. The teams are being moved from another director, my guess is he's not pleased. It may be a sign that he needs to move on.

My bet is our lead will either leave or transfer out within 6 months. I've had a feeling about him for awhile, but it's pretty strong now. That would probably mean we'd all report to one guy (the architect). Which is probably how it should be. The guy only has 3 reports now. This place continues to be fat in head count, if things don't improve, more furloughs and/or layoffs will come. I think the shop could get by with under 100 staff. I think that would cut about 40 more people. I had my mid-year that Friday as well, it went ok. I still seem safe for now.