Saturday, November 28, 2009

good week...

Where we're at:

Dow: 10309
s&p: 1091.49
10 yr: 3.23%
VIX: 24.74
s&p P/E: 19.86

equity: 29
bond: 32
cash: 39

1 yr 8.3%

I had my best week at CSNA prior to my 6th week of furlough. First, the project teams had a recognition lunch with members of the SLT and we received gift cards. Second, I met with my team's director and gave my data mining presentation. It went well, and she has some ideas on how to use the knowledge. During the meeting, she mentioned the possibility of training in 2010. Our lead mentioned that we would be getting a shared cell phone, so no more using personal phones for support. Finally, I received an award for my work on the project. I'm finally starting to feel like my work is being noticed and I may have escaped further layoffs.

Spouse is still nervous about her job, I think it's just "newbie" syndrome. We talked this week and she talked to a peer who told her she is doing fine. Still, we'll hedge and not replace the kitchen flooring until 2010. Still doing other things around the house though. Spouse also received an inheritance that we'll put to work in 2010.

In my opinion, the markets have still come too far, too fast, so we're not investing except for tax deferred and roth. I'm also putting money into the HSA for next year's expenses. Not sure what health coverage will be like, so more hedging on the deductable amount.

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