Thursday, December 24, 2009

EOY 2009

Where we're at:

DOW: 10466
s&p: 1120.59
10yr: 3.74%
VIX: 19.71
s&p P/E: 20.32

equity: 29
bond: 32
cash: 39

1 yr performance: 7.25%

It's Christmas Eve 2009, we're both off work today. I am wrapping up my 7th furlough week, I start getting paid again. It looks like we'll finish the year up around 8% (not including short-term). Not bad, considering the last 15 months of activity.

What worked: staying the course, continued tax deferred investing, bonds, US/Int'l equity, tax loss selling

What didn't: short term investments

We have a large amount in ST just because our job situation was and is tenuous and will remain so through 2010. We'll continue our minor kitchen remodel and plan on buying a new vehicle in 2010. If spouse remains at new job, she'll enroll in SEP IRA. I've maxed out her roth contributions for 2010 and we'll defer some into the HSA. I'm anxious about our health care for 2010 since we're in a new high deductible plan. Onward, through the fog....

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