Friday, June 11, 2010

more storm clouds....

Where we're at:

Dow: 10211
s&p: 1091.60
10yr: 3.2160%
VIX: 28.79
s&p P/E: 19.8

equity: 28
bond: 32
cash: 40

1yr: 9.1%

We seem to be in a correction now, the dow is down ~1000 points from its April high. But, I'm on the prowl for tax deferred investing. I bought into a REIT during this week's drop for spouse's IRA. I'll keep an eye out to get her back into US and foreign funds as well. I'll continue with the plan to bulk up our retirement and let the taxable ride. Our bonds are like the energizer bunny, hanging in there and giving us some diversity. Local credit union CDs help also. Bought a water heater this week, the only new thing left on the home list is a new mower. We'll probably buy that before Sept.

I attended a 'skip level' meeting this week with the local CIO. It went pretty well, she seemed interested in our feedback and I kept my foot out of my mouth. Today we received a workforce canning update, asking for salaried 55 and older 'volunteers'. I'm waiting for a shoe to drop before the 2nd quarter analyst call. I'm strangely calm about it this year. I think it's because I've realized that it's not in my control. We'll plan and defer what we can and prepare and see what happens.

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