Saturday, July 24, 2010

2nd qtr earnings call...

Where we're at:

DJIA 10,424.62
S&P 500 1,102.66
10-Yr T-Note 2.99%
s&p P/E: 20.07
VIX: 23.47

equity: 28
bond: 33
cash: 40

1 yr: 5.52%

The TXT earnings call seemed short and to the point. We had a good quarter, bell especially, however CSNA is worried about a decline back to recession. SD predicts that 2010 will be the trough for this cycle, but who knows. Several times he mentioned that production is being evaluated. My guess is we'll finish out 2010 and maybe have furloughs in 2011. I started my six sigma training this week. I'm enjoying it so far. I think I have a project lined up. I still feel mostly calm about my job. Over the last couple of months, I've had training lined up and I get to meet the TXT CIO next week. I'll have my mid year PMP this week, it should be fine. Spouse is on a roll in her job and it seems more secure.

The market is bouncing around between 1000 and 1100. The 10 year went below 3 since the last post. It seems like the people that have jobs and aren't worried are keeping the economy moving, the rest of us are still hunkered down. We'll keep saving, when I finish my GB I'm going to reward myself with a new bike. I'll have earned it.

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