Saturday, October 02, 2010

More Layoffs.....

Where we're at:

DJIA 10,829.68
S&P 500 1,146.24
10-Yr T-Note 2.53%
s&p P/E: 20.93
vix: 22.50

equity: 29
bond: 33
cash: 38

1 yr: 4%

What a September! The best stock market performance in decades. We had a good month and it made the quarter. However, CSNA also announced further layoffs (700+/-) on 9/21 while TXT announced a production cut the same day. Oh well...the rumors are all over the board about how many in IT (15-40) and what day (10/8 or 15). I'm betting on the 8th, it's the end of the payroll cycle. It seems like the IT reorg has been put on hold while the churn continues. My gut says I'll survive this round but my head says it could go either way.

On 9/24, a Topeka recruiter called with a DBA position. It's SQL server, but he thinks I may be a fit (we'll see). Spouse and I think we could make it work by my commuting through the school year and they move up in the summer. One step at a time. I'd like to stay at CSNA, but we have been living with this turmoil for 2 full years and it is a drain. But, we both (still) have jobs and are thankful. Even if I survive, the rumor mill says we'll have a 6-8 week furlough. Fortunately, we have planned for that to happen and we'll be fine.

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