Saturday, February 05, 2011

dow 12,000....

Where we're at:

DJIA 12,092.15
S&P 500 1,310.87
10-Yr T-Note 3.65%
VIX: 15.93
s&p P/E: 24

equity: 32
bond: 31
cash: 37

1 yr 5.82%

The little market that could. All the pundits predict a correction, but the market is having none of it. Our US stocks continue to exceed my expectations and frustrate me from buying more, bonds are finally reacting to the Fed and economic growth expectations, the 10 year lept up to 3.65. Non US is behind but not by much, YTD +2.7 vs +4.25 for US.

Work is going along, the 4th quarter TXT call was cautiously optimistic, like last year. The rumor is all of the production furloughs have been cancelled, but I don't trust the source, so we'll see. A more reliable source says no salary furloughs in 2011. I'm becoming more optimistic that I'll make 4 years, but still not sure about 5. Spouse is doing well, she finished 2010 with a bang and seems to be getting the trust of her mgmt. Our taxes aren't as bad as I thought, the HSA really helps (a nice benefit from TXT). No refund, but with low liability, it's like a refund. However, I'd rather pay more and earn more interest on our cash. Maybe someday....

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