Saturday, September 28, 2013

Getting comfortable....

Where we're at:

DOW: 15,258.24
s&p: 1691.75
10 yr: 2.62
s&p P/E: 24.19
VIX: 15.46

equity: 37
bond: 32
cash: 31

YTD: 4.8%

Since my present employer is not in the turmoil my previous employer is, I don't feel the need to post as often.  Sorry, if anyone is following.  Over the summer, my team has had some turnover.  One guy left in May, another in August.  I think they just got tired / bored with the work.  I think it may make my spot a bit more secure.  But unlike previous, if these guys decide to can you, it will just happen.  Lead says I'm doing fine, and I don't worry about the 'layoff cloud' hanging around anymore.  If it happens, it happens.

Spouse is doing fine, she is off to Boston in Oct and Cancun in Jan.  She should make it through the year and get her 3 year payout.  Most days are ok for her, but she struggles with sitting and making phone calls.  TXT announced a small fighter jet last week, designed by CSNA (so that's what was going on in the glass house for 2 years....).  I hope it can get some traction, it occurred to me this week that layoff time is coming around again, typically early October.  The public stuff coming out of the company is not great, still slow.  Another earnings call is coming up as well.  The market is waiting for any kind of positive jet number, if that comes, TXT will cross 30.  I only have a few shares and with the new programs coming on-line next year, deliveries could tick up.  So, I'll hang on for a bit longer, try to get low 30's for my shares.

I dumped the IAU I bought in the spring, gold seems to be in a long term downward trend, except for a few rallies when the congressional idiots rattle their swords.  I also stared building an international bond position for the long term now that V has the funds.  Our house repair work is complete this month, so most of the interior and exterior is in good shape.  We're starting to think about staying here after the house is paid for (~3 years).  We could do worse.

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