Friday, January 03, 2014

2014 begins....

Where we're at:

SP500: 1831.37
Dow: 16469.99
10yr: 3.00%
SP P/E: 26.16
VIX: 13.76

equity: 36
bond: 40
cash: 24

1yr: 8.1%

Great year...for stocks.  What worked: US and (sort of) internationals.  What didn't: TIPS, LT bonds, REITS.  Had those except for LT bonds, still I beat my benchmark of (US/Int'l stocks; TIPS; ST bonds; commodities), so a good year overall.  Work is steady, no layoffs on the horizon, company is having a better year.  Spouse had a down year, quota wise and did not have a good review.  I was quite surprised, but I told her that I have 'her back'. 

She is getting ready for a new year marketing kickoff and a new boss, so I hope she will have a better year.  I appeared to have sold my TXT too soon, but I'm happy with the price and the gain.  I could not come up with a reason for the continued rise except for either short covering or the rumored (now true) Beechcraft acquisition.  Even with spouse's job a bit unsure, I have not been this optimistic in 5 years, I might even buy a new car this year.  I sold my US small caps and bought some ex-USA small caps, exchanging a 40 PE for a 22.  The irrational market will come down eventually...

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