Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial weekend 2014

Where we're at:
S&P: 1900.53
Dow: 16606.27
10 yr: 2.54%
VIX: 11.36
S&P P/E: 25.58

1 yr: 5.8%

equity: 36
bond: 41
cash: 22 5 months, although the time goes a little faster when you aren't worrying about layoffs every single work day.  Anyway..son finished high school and will attend a life skills school for transition assistance. Spouse is fretting about her job, because she is struggling with her quota.  I think her company likes to buy smaller software firms, milk the sales revenue out of them, and then let them fade.  Hopefully, I'm wrong about that.  TXT is having a nice run, first quarter was weak like normal, but the Beech acquisition will probably be very lucrative, I hope so, because I will need my pension.  At 23x earnings it still seems high, if the latitude does not deliver, the stock may get hammered back down.

Like everyone else, I'm waiting for a drop, but I still have a significant amount in equities, just buying through 401k and IRA for now and mostly overseas stuff.  One year at current job, seems to be going well.  I got tapped for some training this week, because I'm a 'high performer'.  Hopefully a summer bonus will follow. Spent a little on the house this spring (new windows), but will defer the car for another year.  I love my camry and there is no reason to get rid of it.  Probably no vacation again, just a few weekend runs to regional spots.  House will be paid for in 2 years, my goal is to have the expensive infrastructure stuff done before I leave IT for good.

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