Saturday, September 08, 2012

more Fed accomodation?

Where we're at:

s&p: 1437.92
dow: 13306.64
10yr: 1.66%
VIX: 14.38
s&p P/E: 23.10

equity: 33%
bond: 30%
cash: 35%

1yr: 5.2%

After the 2nd qtr beat, not sure how the 3rd qtr will be.  The macro environment is still 'up in the air' (pun).  The public face is positive, CSNA programs our moving along and BH is doing well.  My morale is still shaken from the June layoffs, but I can't worry about what I can't control.  I'm continuing to increase my visibility and learn new skills.  I'm still looking for a work use for Hadoop, but I'm enjoying using it to track the 50 day average of various stocks :)  Spouse continues her great year, she knocked it out of the park again in August.  Glad LOGM lets her fully fund her 401(k).

The market continued to shake off bad news, probably because the ECB is still publicly backing a wide scale bond buy program.  China is expected to ease over the weekend, that may drive the movement early next week.  The US market thinks the Fed will continue its ways because of the poor jobs report.  I still haven't decided who to vote for in Nov.  Whoever will get Congress working again will get my vote and that's probably the repub.

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