Sunday, October 07, 2012

cruise into the election....

Where we're at:

DJIA 13,610.15
s&p: 1,460.93
10 yr: 1.73%
s&p P/E: 22.91
vix: 14.33

equity: 33%
bond: 33%
cash: 34%

1 yr: 8.7%

I watched the debate on Thursday and became more impressed with Romney.  I don't think it would be the worst thing to happen if he won.  As I have thought, I'll vote for the person that can get Washington to 'work' again.  If it's him, he'll get my vote.  The employment rate surprise on Friday, does seem suspicious, but Welch is an idiot with his tweet.  The guy needs to 'dry up and blow away'. 

The year we're having is a pleasant surprise, up almost 9 for the year.  I like what we own and don't plan on selling anything yet.  But, if TXT hits 30, I'll unload some.   Spouse continues her great year, she is off to headquarters in a couple of weeks.  I actually told her I'll keep an open mind about relocation, if it's ever brought up.  I think I'd have an easier time finding a new job on the East Coast, if the need arises.  We'll see what happens after 10/17 when the 3rd quarter is announced.

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