Sunday, December 21, 2008

Where we are:
SandP: 887.88
Dow: 8579.11
10 yr: 2.12%
VIX: 44.93

equities: 32
bonds: 28
cash: 40

YTD: -13.98%

We are gradually improving for the year, but it's still painful to review our investments. TXT-CSNA booted us out for 10 business days, 2 of which were unpaid unless you took vacation. 2009 still looks bad. I read a Biz Week article this week talking about the increase in used jets. No way we make it without another layoff. The project I'm on is going to be extended due to missing a date. The consultants will probably be around for another 3-6 months.

We are due for our plan review on 12/29. We almost have the trust fully funded. It will be good to get that completed. J and I have decided to forego new taxable equity investments next year in order to pay cash for a vehicle. I have always wanted to do that. We'll continue to fund our retirement investments and hope for some sort of recovery.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

SandP: 873.79
10yr: 2.5890%
DOW: 8629.68

YTD: -15.5
cash: 41%
bonds: 27%
equity: 32%

We rescheduled our planner meeting to 12/29. I logged onto V's site and left a few comments about their recommendations. Mostly, it is the same stuff they have recommended for years. I think this will be the last time we use it for awhile. It appears the Bush administration will provide some sort of stop-gap money to the automakers to keep them solvent for a few more weeks. The FED is due to meet about i-rates this week (Tuesday). Consensus is that they'll head to 0%.

I sold some muni bonds to take a tax loss this week and apply to a small gain from earlier in the year. That seems like ages ago. TXT continues to lay people off from other divisions and corporate. The stock continues to languish in the teens, off about 70% from its high.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Where we're at:
SandP: 870.74
DJIA: 8591.69
10 yr (^TNX): 2.676
SandP P/E: 15.37

cash: 40%
equity: 30%
bonds: 30%
YTD: -16.11

I would characterize this market as more of a trader's than investor's market. My new term for it is “market whiplash”. The VIX has been above 20 since September. On the bright side, Jeremy Siegel postulates that the S&P is undervalued by ~500 points given operating earnings of $83 and a P/E of 16.6. Also, I did not get laid off (yet). A biz aircraft pundit is predicting this downturn to be worse then 2002-3, when my employer laid off 3,000. Great, only 2,500 to go.

Health, family, home, job, that order.